The Satellite Of Love Community Poem

The Satellite Of Love community poem is the spot where everyone who comes to the open mic night gets a chance to write a line. Slips of paper will be on tables at the venue, just grab one and let your imagination run free. We will, by strange and alchemical processes, forge them into the community poem of the month. This poem will be presented at the next open mic session and then be posted on this page. Previous community poems can be found in the archive

The lines can be about anything and everything, however we will not publish any racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, misogynist or otherwise offensive content.

Community Poem November 2024


Harry and Kate went to masturbate,
loving the vibration of love,
a slow, slinky ooziness.
A sausage, a hole and Vinted.
Breathe in, said Kate, exhale the fire of living.
The bag was bulging.

We need to establish a safeword, said Harry
I’m thinking of a line, said Kate, but it’s not happening,
the only thing that comes to mind is a thousand fucking doves.
Harry suggested: I love Ian Beale…?
Chocolate coins? said Kate Time is a construct!
Dare you! Dare you! Double dare you?

The naughty little mouse nibbled my member, said Harry
Well, your compliment wasn’t good enough, said Kate,
asking to see my anus on Instagram is not a love poem.
An ode for a misplaced hip flask? said Harry.

I hate loving you, you love hating me, said Harry,
and the postage was paid in Northern Ireland.

Days are unequal in the struggles of the dead, said Kate
What is stopping ants from taking over the world? Democracy?

I hope this line is read out of context
like Leda, like Persephone, like women, women, women. 
On this pirate ship poetry pandemonium,
we’re all just twatting around in the glitter.

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