Open Mic

Book A Slot

We receive a large volume of requests for open mic slots every month. We would love to accommodate everyone but there is not enough time in the evening to do so. The best way to get your name on the list is to book in advance.

The evening consists of two halves with a short break to get drinks and use the loo. After the second half of open mic the headline poet will read.


The Loco Klub is fully accessible


We do have a few simple guidelines that help run the evening and give open mic readers a fair share of time.

  1. One poem per reader.
  2. Each slot is for three minutes. This includes preamble to the read of the poem and the poem itself.
  3. No racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or otherwise offensive material.
  4. As this is Bristol NO NUDITY!

If you want to book a slot please email

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