Category: Community Poem Archive

Community poem June 2023 -The Toolbox

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
The hammer.

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
Cascades of silver glitter, 
Shimmering ghosts.

We rummaged in the toolbox but only discovered
My anatomy;
It smells of curry
It wasn’t very nice
But the dog ate it anyways. 

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
Ferry boat Margaret
Swinging low with rats,
And rainbow oil. 

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
A city in levels 
Like a Victoria spongecake. 

Love finds itself,
Rummaged in the toolbox,
Walking through the city’s dark history
Everything is black and white 
Except in the dead of night. 

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
The last poem
Of the last dug dazzled. 
We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
Purple pen pushes words from my mind. 

We rummaged in the toolbox but only found
Barbados to Bristol and back. 
Reimagined in dance & verse
Choreo poetry curiosity, hoping
To bring on the flow in me. 

Speak your own truth. Love me
So don’t scare me of all these pomp & circumstales. 

Satellite Of Love May 2023 Community Poem

Extra Lines This Month

The Satellite Of Love Community poem this month has donated lines from the Writing the City workshop that took place during Satellite Week.

Each Day ( June 2023)

The day the jaffa cakes went missing
The dreich sunk its teeth into my bones.
The tinsel shimmers, the light on sea, what is anything, what are we? Moments in light reflexed.
The salt of sea and light of sky.

The buttercups are asking the sky, do you like butter?
Do platypuses speak in platitudes
Everyday you wake you may choose to be kind
And she gazed around her and she saw their brilliant faces, their open hearts and she was held.

No fires will take place here tonight
What is everything, who are we, where and for how long?
Climb every mountain clad in lycra
Get out of your comfort zone and your Nissan Micra.

I need to pee so I’m gonna rush writing this.
After a while, the whole thing evaporated.
I took a little look, before I had a proper gander
How! How! Why! why! I feel I could die!

Community Poem June 23 – Leftover Lines – I have put into some kind of order – Enjoy !

You I
Why don’t you try it my daughters said, why don’t you go instead this afternoon and do your usual
and going to bed.
Is there a raffle – yay, where are the toilets, please don’t call out my winning ticket while I’m
powdering my nose.
What happened to my gravy underpants?

4 Wines and 5 packets of crisps, sorry 4 packets, 2 cheese and onion, 1 salt and vinegar and 1 ready
salted and now my friends are sorted.
And the mama gave birth right here
Flaff women’s mags light. But they calmed me for the battle against you. They taught me love-
bonding, gaslighting and emotional abuse. And I knew you for what you were and I was not lower. I
emerged victorious, clad in the driest plate of flaff.
Dear Tina got her wings today, 24 th of May……love it as everything to do with it.

Life is wonderful, life is great but why does it have to be so hard! So much to do and so little time,
always living on the edge. Love yourself, love each other – be kind, stay safe, love one another.
I lick you paw to feel your love.
Bats commute, bats commute along linear features did you know?
Safe, safe away from empty space!
Space, space keep me safe.
Ditto, Ditto to every one’s words amazahins arghhhh
What is God? A 10p freddo
Beans, beans, beans, I love baked beans on toast (with curry powder)
Lush Ice Cream
Put your cigarette out properly!
Steep steps back…

My special sunshine dress!
This scent of the candle was sweet vanilla.
Where are the editors when you need them?

That walk around Bristol’s floating harbour…………

love finds itself walking through the city’s dark history
a city in levels like a Victoria sponge cake
discovery anatomy, it smells of curry
ferryboat Margaret swings low with river rats, boaters and rainbow oil
her sister Mary, a small sleek sailboat, sits as a queen amongst plastic pretenders
the dark water reflected an abundance of rain rich clouds
wavelets gave glimpses
cascades of silver glitter, shimmering ghosts
love me, so don’t scare me of all these pomp and circumstances

Satellite Of Love Community Poem March 2023

Boys Night! Boys Night! Boys Night! I’m Going 2 Steal That Shirt

Boys night! Boys night! Boys night! Boys night!
I’m going 2 steal that shirt
And the BAFTA goes to…
She yelled, as the edge came into view
Each day we face our own apocalypse.
Each morning our own creation myth.
eyes bigger than your stomach
now, Llamas dominate the view of the orchard
And we tumble through forty half-sized
Boys nights! Boys night! Boys night! Boys night!
I am going 2 steal that shirt
Still, trees are great
I often wonder… why is belly button fluff is blue?
We found safety in Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckkkk!!!
And the fact a cat on your lap means an afternoon nap!
Let me take you on a stroll, get on a boat. Lies will drown and the truth will float.
Rubber ducks are my favourite aquatic mammal
Along the dark canal, something moved
Someone whispered
Why have I got sweetcorn under my foreskin?
Boys nights! Boys night! Boys night! Boys night!
I’m going 2 steal that shirt
Let us hope we stay afloat.
Richard, Richard, where art tho Richard?
Would you rather – a million pounds or a cigarette, right now?
I’d sip at a gin and tonic – strictly for health reasons
each day we face our own apocalypse,
tumblingthrough forty half-sized, brexits,
Boys night! Boys night! Boys night! Boys night!
I’m going 2 steal that shirt
Sip sip sip my dirty water!! Would you like a lemon slice? Like a lemon slice we float, our
poems, seeds infused with zest. Glacial, flowing, feasting, cooking hummus or something
middle eastern.
Do you poetry? Yes No Other

A choice changes power when you choose it deep inside
But my mind is blank, no verse is there to write on paper waiting pure, so crisp and clean.
Even slathered in butter 
I still can’t write in yellow
Boys night! Boys night!
I’m going 2 steal that shirt

Community Poem February 2023

The 2016 Clown Scare

I’ve not had breakfast and the dentist talks of my mortality 
At least we have suckable items
And Brian blessed is my patronus 
I sat on a train that became a long, metallic fart
The hopeless case of progress 
An aubergine between the legs 
Bristol’s clear air zone – are you ready? I’m not 
In my best, loudest football voice I said:
Two squatter’s wrongs don’t make a squatter’s rights
At least we have pizza
Love was bird in my hand and I squeeze – splat! 
Which was incredibly wonderful
But then we all knew turkeys aren’t a just for Christmas, they’re a way of life 
September rang like a scar,
Left upon that creature’s pity 
A tourist in a resort 
On the fourth Wednesday of the month 
Ring ring goes the poet’s phone as he starts to rhyme…


Community Poem March 2023


I can’t write in yellow
the now infamous village gimp said
is that a two litre bottle of Vimto
or are you just pleased to see me?
Who says romance is dead?
                                               Boys night Boys night
A smash of cities erupts into
asphalt chunks of honesty and raw love

Though the best comedy is about serious issues
humankind cannot stand too much seriousness
all aboard for jolly fun, don’t make waves or
you’ll fall down.

Obsessed by living the dream, I fell in love
with base jumping.
I love to crunch on apples, I eat noodles in church
I’m a Ramen Catholic.
My friend’s donkey hasn’t been to the vet in years
if you like your cats alive don’t go to Crete.
                                              Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger, Badger
Murder she cried, though the Aardvark was unimpressed
All the superlatives: great uncles and extreme sporks
Bristol  fashion sparkly beard is a must
I opened my eyes and everything was beautiful
The only risk in life is to take no risk at all
Fools rush in as winter chills, the silk of milk slid
down her throat, scrambled nectar of the dogs

I slide poems under the skirting boards and then
arriving shyly at the open mic, I don’t remember
how words work.

Buy Aiysha’s book Feb 22nd